Okay, let’s cut to the chase: WTF is a lead magnet? As a Digital Assistant coach, I get asked this question all the damn time. But fear not, my inquisitive friend! Picture this: You’re scrolling through Pinterest, drooling over some scrumptious recipes, and suddenly you’re hit with a demand for your email address to get the full scoop. Bingo! You just found a lead magnet. Basically, it’s an irresistible digital file (think free e-book or PDF) that you give away in exchange for someone’s contact information. And if you’re a Digital Assistant, this is a game-changer for your business. By using lead magnets, you can grow your email list, reach more prospects, and convert them into loyal clients. So stop wondering “WTF” and start using lead magnets like a boss. Trust me, your business will thank you later.
Happy listening!
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Digital Assistant, Email Lists, Virtual Assistant